Who among us does not know Captain James Kirk from the television series «Star Trek» played by actor William SHATNER? We are going to talk about a 90-year-old as much as a human being not as an actor, sensitive to global warming and the problems that our beautiful planet has suffered. In October 13, 2021, the New Shepard rocket (Blue Origin) went into space for 10 minutes, on board William SHATNER and 3 other people. Back on Earth, SHATNER says: I am so moved by what has just happened, It is extraordinary”.
From up there (space), SHATNER realized that the Earth is in great pain because of the global warming, he decided to campaign and save the globe by becoming a spokesperson to wake up our spirits so each of us makes a small contribution to protect it. From space, William SHATNER describes the universe: Around the earth is death, space and cold, when you look down, the planet Earth is marvelously beautiful, luminous and nourishing, it is our house, our roof.