I don’t know why I speak English when I am French. Tonight has been perfect, it is so beautiful, I love it. Spike thanks to you, this evening was so amazing. Now I will speak French for my parents, who are watching me right now. When I was little, it was our ritual to watch the closing ceremony with my parents, at that time, I was sure that all the award-winners had to be perfect and then they had the honor to be on this stage, tonight I’m on this stage. I know my movie is not perfect, but
I don’t think any movie is perfect in the eyes of whoever made it anyway, they even say mine is monstrous, you know now that I’ve become an adult and director, I realized that perfection isn’t that, it’s a chimera, it’s a dead end, the monstrosity that some people fear runs through my work, is a weapon and a force to push back the walls of what is normal that locks us in and separates us since there are so many beauty of emotions and freedom to find in what we cannot put in a box, in what remains to be discovered by us.
Wanted to thank the jury very much and acknowledge with this award the visceral greedy need that we have for a world more inclusive and more fluid. Thank you to the jury for calling for more diversity in our experiences in cinema, in our lives and for letting the monsters in. I would like to share this prize with my whole team, with my actors Vincent and Agathe who gave body and soul to this film, to my producer who accompanied me in the world’s worse roller coaster, my distributors and salespeople who fell in love with my baby before he was born and above all I want to share it with each technician who knows how to fight against all odds, against both horrible years that we have just lived which has held firm despite the postponements to bring Titanium into existence and carry it to this point.
I also think about my parents since they look after me, I wanted to thank them for supporting me in all the choices I made in my life and for helping me to be free. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.