From the worlds of high art and the golden sense, he enlighten us with his creative brush that as soon as it falls between his fingertips, the artist surrendered, follows his great passion and adoration for those attractive colors that were his inspiration throughout his artistic career, to conclude an eternal sensual contract.
The exceptional beauty and elegance
of the artist, in this beautiful meeting we welcome the brilliant international artist painter David Daoud.

GFB- Welcome, Mr. Daoud, on the pages of Glamour Fashion and Beauty magazine, thank you for your acceptance of this interview which always seek to host personalities as important as you are, you are the exceptional artist who has tended the colors and gifted us with beautiful worlds that touch the sensitivity of gourmets, giving them beautiful meanings in the molds of living extended passion.
David David: I have the great honor to receive a generous invitation from an upscale magazine, such as Glamour Fashion and Beauty, a magazine which contents every time a dress of sophistication and professionalism.
GFB – In the beginning, our great artist tell us about your relationship with the painting workshop, how do you prepare to get to it, what are your favorite rituals at the start of a new painting,, what are the conditions that you guard to provide when you embark on an artistic adventure, every time where only you and the painting meet each other?
David Daoud: I go to the studio and put on some music that allows me to connect with what I am thinking because I have images in my mind, I sit on the sofa, listen , after that based on what I imagine with the spirit of the music and the harmony of the feelings of the moment, I make all these thoughts tangible in the colors that will be the tone of my creativity on the canvas, carried by the music, I feel like I have run out of time and space then I start painting.
GFB – With regard to the topics covered by Sayed Daoud LLC, many of your followers consider that you are drawing unity, emigration and emptiness,they relate that to your departure from Lebanon at an early age in very difficult circumstances, what do you think of that? Do you think the artist paints himself in the end?
David Daoud: There are three types of paintings, there is fun, melancholy and neutrality, I am a melancholy advocate of my sad nature, certainly the exile caused by the civil war in Lebanon has to do with my great sadness, I try to balance that with joyful, harmonious colors in my work. The story I told and interpreted by my colors and my feathers remains for me: Picasso said that everything we paint reflects our personal history, I have accepted who I am and made peace with the painful exile: my paintings reflect it and the viewers feel it, here lies my own style and I am in great harmony with the world I made.
GFB – Journalist and art critic Gérard GAMAND says about you in the 45th issue of Azart Art Magazine: “Daoud has a great sense of direction and none of his paintings leaves us indifferent. Each brushstroke takes us to the heart of mysterious adventures”
How to succeed in making your business sound almost , voices and souls, it tells stories full of emotions overpowering people?
David Daoud: To revive the work you need personal energy, the painting is intuition, my energy is my touch, it is my arm, my mind and my beating heart. Add to that the science of drawing and the Laws and technique of art, so I was able to make my work come alive like a play in which a scene is played within the frame of a painting, a specific shape my way of speaking with its silence.
GFB – Your work suggests a diversity and richness in the way it is presented, as it is difficult to attribute to a specific artistic stream. This is what prompts us to ask a question: Do you consider that you belong to a specific school of painting?
David Daoud: Style is the identity of the artist through which his knowledge is transmitted, then the artist creates his style instead of negative participation in this or that current, yet the perception of the history of art pushes us to join a school, my style is hybrid: it still maintains some links with the Impressionist past but it changes it and sometimes transcends it. I am a contemporary expressionist and artistic, I m an artist at the service of my ideas.

GFB – If realism is a mirror through which the artist reflects the real world in his paintings and works, then will David Daoud’s mirror be completely faithful to the image of reality, or will it be concave or perhaps hunched !? Or, in another way, what is your approach to realism in your artwork? Do you basically not see the great importance of the mirror of reality in art?
David Daoud: The field of art is to transcend reality that does not in itself have a universal value because each individual sees his reality from his experience, it is like a dictionary of words where everyone uses it to tell their story, nature is like this dictionary that everyone uses for their own interpretation, but it takes magic to know how to reproduce it, once the secret is discovered, happiness becomes limitless.
GFB – In your opinion, Mr. David, what is the distance between the story you want to tell through a particular painting and the story that the recipient understands after viewing the painting?
David Daoud: Transformation is an enriching factor in my paintings because the appropriation of the message is a pledge of emotion created by the spectator’s soul painting, I still marvel at the personal customization of the viewers.
GFB – We learned during the preparation of this dialogue with you that you are preparing your colors yourself. Why is this important to you?
David Daoud: I prepare the colors by grinding them, I love to realize the nobility of the raw product before it begins its journey on my paintings, when the tube is unknown and we take the color as others have prepared it, something not enough for me because I demand to be the creator of my raw tones, I try to act as a craftsman ,from blank linen to finished cloth.
GFB – Mr. David, you are one of the painters who take great care in the distribution of shadows as well as light on their paintings, so what is your own philosophy of using shadows?
David Daoud: Every game of nature and the relationship between its components is an eternal game of light and shadow in my eyes, tangibly on the paintings, this game creates form and relief, this means an illusion of reality, that an artist, wish to create, the mystery lies in the shadow as in the light,I breathe the refreshing soul to the painting by nature, I am drawn to the dark side that dominates my paintings.
GFB – Your inner world is one of the sources of your imagination, so what is your external source of inspiration, is it a place, another art, a person, or all of that?
David Daoud: Nature and life, you cannot love halfway. So I love nature and the scene of life that it presents to us, with the development of our sensitivity, its spectrum is enriched with new colors, the soul is more nourished and hungry for the changing landscape around us, this is what drives and affects me deeply.

GFB – David Daoud, as a successful artist painter in his career, has won many awards. How do you view this art? What is the fee for you?
David Daoud: Transferring art and making a living, both of them go hand in hand, it is my absolute pleasure to leave a part of my mind among art lovers who fit one or more of my works,pragmatically we need to make a living from our art, otherwise we will not be able to freely practice it. Without physical limitations, I consider myself fortunate to have received this recognition from my fans and to be able to earn a living entirely from my art, thanks to buyers and collectors.
As for art, it is the biggest door to eternity, it is the sublime message of humanity against the chaos that surrounds us. Without art, we are immersed in the mantle of everyday life and the transient.
GFB – Our great artist David Daoud We are very pleased to host you in this wonderful meeting full of gentle and elegant feelings. We thank you for accepting the invitation, a final word from the owner of the” Golden Feather”for Glamour Fashion and Beauty Magazine and its esteemed readers.
David Daoud: It was a beautiful artistic session that elevates the noble reader to the highest ranks of sophisticated sense by addressing the many details of my artistic career and my artistic experience, I was very pleased to be part of it.