Clint Eastwood was born on May 31, 1930 in San Francisco, at the time of the Great Depression, which caused the crisis in the United States.
He is an actor, director, composer and producer who has appeared in over 60 films and directed over forty. He is one of the best actors in the history of cinema and has produced more films than most of the best filmmakers.
Clint’s journey is difficult to explain, so much that it is magical. We are not familiar with a single film, but rather a large number of motion pictures spanning over sixty years.
An unrivaled filmography
An unrivaled filmography has allowed Clint Eastwood to perfect his art. He is an actor-director with great experience and a long career as an actor-director, who has left his mark on the world of cinema by being respectful of his work, his team and his actors.
With 11 Oscar nominations and four wins, he has become a giant of American and world cinema, and has produced more films than most of the best filmmakers.
Clint Eastwood achieved success in Hollywood when he directed his first film, PLAY MISTRY FOR ME.
After directing «OUTLAW JOSEY WALES», he imposed new actors’ rights on the film industry.
He won the Academy Award for Best Director and Best Picture for “Ruthless.”

A lone wolf
Clint never wanted to be in the Hollywood world. On the contrary, he has a certain contempt for this industry. He believed in his ability to accomplish something new in the world of directing .
Clint became a lone wolf because of his love for art and the constraints of the film industry. He decided to put an end to the turmoil in Hollywood and created «The Malpaso Company» in an attempt to distance himself from Hollywood and control his career in order to make the films he wanted.