Diabetes in reality is a disease that has been difficult to treat, challenged scientists and researchers in finding a cure , initiatives and research are still paving their path towards finding ways to reduce mortality. Diabetes lasted for decades so it became the concern of non-profit organizations whose sole goal is to save humanity by raising money for research.
The American Diabetes Association was at the top of the list of organizations that adopted diabetes whether by funding research to reach effective solutions or by intensifying awareness campaigns against this disease.
The American Diabetes Association which was founded in the early 1940’s by six talented physicians headed by «Hermann O Mossenthal», Dr. «Joseph T. Birdwood Jr.», «Dr. Joseph H. Barash», and Dr. «S Dillion» took from the United States of America as a base for their activities, was seeking to educate the public about the danger of this silent disease and to extend a helping hand to its victims.
The emergence of the association was an official body that carries out its voluntary charitable activities in parallel with the US government, as well as the health care system, using donations from individuals and institutions to support their projects, the total donations in 2018 amounted to about 161.267,000 US dollars, with a total of 20,000 members.

Since its inception, the association aimed to enable people with diabetes to reach the health care they should provide to save lives by improving health conditions in coordination with many University Hospitals as well as local government agencies.
The efforts and activities of the association were not limited to treatment, prevention but went beyond, to an activity no less important than its predecessors, with a touch of nobility and sophistication, which makes it respected and appreciated for its efforts that went beyond the limits of duty.
Providing comfort, awareness, focusing on patients and their families ensuring that they give hope, strength to endure and overcome the pain of this disease, one thing particular to the association is planting trees, the tree keeps the memory of a loved one and provide consolation to families for so many years, it represents the story of pain, hope and making the planet greener.
So many patients left us as a result of this silent disease, so many trees where planted….