Climate change is now the most intractable problem facing humanity. The situation of our planet caused by this phenomenon is all more serious as there is today danger on the life of humanity for the future generations in particular. We are therefore all challenged since today we are at a decisive moment in our history, even in our existence, especially since the consequences of this climate change will be according to researchers’ forecasts, disastrous for life on earth.
In fact, in recent years, the acceleration of this phenomenon has been on an unprecedented scale, ranging from the evolution of weather conditions which threaten food production to the rise in sea level which increases the risk of floods. Adapting to this adverse situation is likely to be a daunting task and will result in costly expenses in the future, if urgent and drastic measures are not taken now.

The situation is therefore serious, especially since climatological studies indicate that the world will probably reach the global temperature limit set by climatologists during the next five years. The researchers also predicted that by 2025, the annual global temperature will be 1.5°C warmer than the pre-industrial revolution global temperature. An increase that exceeds the set by Paris Agreement on climate change (2015) scientists recommend at all costs not to exceed in order to avoid the worst effects of climate change. It should be noted that this conclusion is drawn from the report recently published by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It is based on a study carried out by the meteorological office in Great Britain with the collaboration of a panel of climatologists from ten countries, including the United States and China.
Another report published, this time by United Nations scientists, confirmed that the negative impact of man on climate change is an «undeniable fact». This report with unprecedented results indicates that persistent greenhouse gas emissions could also lead to
a change in temperatures in less than a decade. It also mentions the rise in sea level which would be nearly two meters by the end of our century.
But contrary to all these alarming forecasts, other researchers are still cultivating the hope of seeing a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, which will make it possible to stabilize the rise in temperatures. This was mentioned in a 42-page report on climate change recently written by an intergovernmental body and sent to various governments under the title «A summary for policymakers».
It should be noted, however, that the various reports and other research done on the subject consider that «Climate change is a scientific reality and is hardly an occasional event in human life, because no continent is today sheltered from disasters induced by global warming».
Indeed, violent heat waves, devastating fires and repeated hurricanes are now hitting all over the world, causing thousands of victims in many countries.This means that global warming has now crossed the Rubicon.

It is therefore necessary to combine efforts and undertake concerted international action to mitigate its harmful and dangerous effects on our environment. To do so , it is important to endorse the objectives of the Paris Agreement which consists, it should be emphasized, in keeping global warming for this century below 2°C. Our responsibility is therefore as committed as it is collective since, according to many researchers, «the challenge of climate change knows no national borders, it threatens life throughout the planet. Achieving sustainable development requires a global approach; countries must urgently step up with their actions to adapt to the new climate reality and work for a real global alliance for zero gas emission project. Ahead of the climate meeting to be held in Glasgow, next November, it is also recommended to expand the use of environmentally friendly renewable energies, such as solar energy, wind energy and the production of green hydrogen…etc” Finally, it should be noted that the United Nations report has been since 2015, the first major document on global warming to have aroused so much concern and fear in the world. António Guterres, the secretary general of the UN, called it «a red alert on humanity». This is why he has repeatedly called on rich countries and development banks to contribute financially to adapt to climate change in poor regions of the world. «Neither procrastination nor excuses, he recalls, are allowed today, leaders of the planet are required, more than ever, to provide clear answers to this phenomenon on the occasion of the next world summit on climate change to be held in Scotland».